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Call for Workshops and Tutorials

On behalf of the ISCRAM 2025 Conference Committee, we take great pleasure in inviting you to submit a proposal for Workshops & Tutorials. We invite you to present and discuss ideas, methods and tools in an engaging workshop or tutorial together with an international and dedicated community of ISCRAM researchers and practitioners.


The workshop and tutorial-sessions will be co-chaired by John Quigley and Adam McAllister.


If you have any questions, please contact

February 16th, 2025
Workshop and Tutorial Submission Deadline
February 26th, 2025
Notification of Acceptance
  • Please prepare a short abstract (~500 words) to describe the aim and content of your proposed workshop/tutorial. The abstract will be included in the conference proceedings. Furthermore, please add a statement about your experience with the topic and similar sessions.


  • Plan a workshop/training course which lasts about 2-3 hours, excluding the refreshment break.​​


  • It is suggested to relate your workshop or tutorial to the overall theme of this year’s ISCRAM Theme “Managing and Responding to Coastal Disasters & Climate Change” if relevant. However, this is not a strict requirement.


  • In our pursuit of bridging the gap between theory and practice, or 'pracademics', collaborative workshops and tutorials led by both academics and industry experts are highly valued.

Please use the Workshop Planning Template and submit the proposal via email to by February 16th, 2025.

Submit Template via email to with subject "Workshop Proposal"


The aim of the workshops and tutorials is to allow researchers, technologists and practitioners to interact, learn, and discuss specific, emerging topics for crisis management, including methodologies, software, and other related technologies. Possible contributions include the following (other ideas are also welcome):

Hands-on session for techniques for crisis management
  • Specific technical advancements and emerging technologies for preparation, response, recovery and mitigation in crisis management

  • New ways of applying existing technologies for crisis management

  • Innovative/applied research methodologies for crisis management

  • Software tutorials used in crisis management or modelling

  • Requirement: should engage participants

Exploration of new tools or methods for improved preparedness or resilience for vulnerable communities or systems
  • How to develop or use models that assess system vulnerability

  • How to develop or use models that assess system risks and can be used for risk mitigation measure exploration

Practitioner- researcher task co- design and validation session
  • Personalized rapid prototyping and evaluation with the help of practitioners

Dialogue between practitioners and researchers
  • Dialogue between practitioners and researchers on specific topics, focused on the information needs of responders in various scenarios

  • Topics and formats that are not listed here but are appropriate for ISCRAM and that would potentially generate interest from ISCRAM members

The full call can also be downloaded as a PDF below: 

Dalhousie University
Climate Action Research for Transportation
Discover Halifax

Managing and Responding to Coastal Disasters & Climate Change

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